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Every Bit Organic Raw Aloe Vera Gel 100ml

Every Bit Organic Raw Aloe Vera Gel 100ml

Price: $12.95

Aloe Vera is a cultivated plant species; the extract of which forms this beautiful cosmetic gel that has been said to have soothing effects on the skin. Aloe Vera contains Vitamins C and E, amidst a myriad of antioxidants (including β-Carotene) which makes it a popular choice amongst health enthusiasts.

Aloe Vera also contains the chemical compound saponin (antimicrobial) which is the scientific basis for its cleansing properties, those of which are often attributed to explain its beneficial treatment of cuts and wounds, minor skin infections, facial acne, and common use as a makeup remover.

Aloe Vera Gel can be applied to the following conditions to provide relief:

•    Hair and scalp problems
•    Wound burns
•    Minor skin infection, cysts
•    Bruising
•    Takes the itch out of insect bites
•    Rashes
•    Foot exfoliating mask
•    Cold sores
•    Blister relief
•    Allergic reactions
•    Flaky dry skin
•    Pimples acne
•    Psoriasis dermatitis
•    Prevent scarring stretch marks
•    Exfoliation treatment using raw sugar
•    Rosacea
•    Shrink warts
•    Anti-aging
•    Eczema